School Calendar
SEPTEMBER 2020 - JUNE 2021
Sept. 30 (Wed.) Picture Day!
Oct. 12 (Mon.) Thanksgiving Day - no school
Oct. 30 (Fri.) The children will have a Hallowe’en party
Nov 13 (Fri.) P.A. Day for Parent/Teacher Interviews – times to be arranged, 30 minutes in duration - either in person or via zoom depending on the parent’s preference.
Dec. 18 (Fri.) Last day of school for this term
Jan. 4, 2021 First day back at school
Jan./Feb. Hopefully? Elementary children go skiing for 5 days. Casa invited (but only if with a parent!)
Feb. 15 (Mon.) Family Day - no school
Mar 5 (Fri.) P.A. Day for Parent/Teacher Interviews – times to be arranged, 30 minutes in duration - either in person or via zoom depending on the parent’s preference.
Mar. 15 to 19 March Break- no school
April 2 (Fri.) Good Friday – no school
April 5 (Mon.) Easter Monday – no school
May 18 (Tues.) Picture Day for Graduates – tentative booking
May 24 (Mon.) Victoria Day - no school
TBA (depends on Covid situation)* Graduation Ceremony* 7 P.M This is a special evening for children going into both grade one and grade four, as well as those moving on to High School.
June 25 (Fri.) Last Day of school. The children will have a party and games.
*Please let us know if there’s a cultural celebration that you would like us to highlight. Parents are welcome (encouraged!) to send in information about family tradition so that all our children feel included and celebrated.
- No current announcements